My name is Nashel, I am from “Mana’s” village and I brought “Mana” to the clinic to see if the American doctors could fix her hands. Mana’s hands and face were burned very badly when the thatched roof of her family’s hut caught on fire and collapsed into the house. Both of her parents and her two brothers and three sisters died in the fire. Mana who was sleeping by the door covered her face with her hands and was able to escape outside. The only place on her upper body that was not burned was her face. You can still see the imprint on her face that is the shape of her small hands. The back of her hands were burned so badly that she could no longer use them. The Doctors were able to take good skin from her legs to replace the scars that held her hands stiff and distorted. Our village loves Mana, she is our child now. We are so happy she will be able to use her hands again.