The Surgicorps team will be traveling to Bhutan for our 9th trip to this country from April 25-May 5, 2015. We are grateful to our team members for the time, energy and resources they will provide to help improve the lives of our Bhutanese friends! This trip honors the memory of Dr. Sarah Pettrone; an outstanding surgeon, Surgicorps volunteer and Bhutan team member who passed away last year.
Team members hail from several states as well as Canada. They are: Stephanie Annis, Anne Argenta, Lou Argenta, Michael Best, Cliff Bierman, Mary Bierman, Terry Boyd, Alena Curry, Jack Demos, Linda Esposto, Hillel Kashtan, Prema Krishnamurthy, Sheryl Lamb, William Manteris, Jonathan Ponte, Naomi Quillopa, Robert Schemmer, Warren Schubert, Ginger Sturgeon, Chris Yanakos and Darlene Yanakos.