“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”
Mother Teresa
I’ve always loved this quote but it has never resonated so well with me as it did in 2020. As a Nurse Practitioner and Mom of 3, I thought staying home and loving my family was “easy” and something I already did. I wanted to do something different, something “bigger”. For the past 5 years I have had the privilege of working alongside the talented Guatemala team through
Surgicorps International. I grew accustomed to returning home from our week-long mission each August with a renewed faith in humanity.
Among the tragedies of the COVID-19 pandemic – incredible losses of life, health, human connection, and financial security, I often think of the people of Guatemala and the suffering they have endured not only this year but on a daily basis. Humble, beautiful people who now have to wait longer for surgeries considered routine in the US. Surgeries to alleviate pain,
restore health and correct deformities that cause physical disability and social isolation.
For now I remind myself (and others) that one doesn’t have to travel the world to make a “big” difference. I look forward to returning to the “easy” task of serving with this incredible organization. And until then, I will stay home. And love my family.